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Amazing what's out there!

Christmas Dinner 1962 only 61 years ago!

Jim McKay, Chris Hore, Colin Bates, Carole Burton, Ron Webster, Alan Barker 1965


John Cox Photographed for an AEI Publication circa 1959

Coton House "The Mansion " circa 1952

mouse over above for names


John Laker (on left)  Geoff Bolon on drums Merrymakers 1961


1961 Wheelbarrow Race

Titled " An Inaugural Gathering" The Great and the Good
assembled at Coton (Jan 1950)
Faces to remember " Craddock" and "Agnes" (house keeper / sick bay)

Please send me Your Photographs ! URGENT new ones required!
 Let me make this a real history of BTH/AEI Coton House Apprentices and Students Hostel.

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